Monday, September 27, 2010

Thoughts from This Mama's Chair: A Mighty Revelation

Thoughts from This Mama's Chair: A Mighty Revelation: "When I entered the wonderful world of blogging, one of my goals was to 'virtually' meet other Moms out there who were just like me or at lea..."

A Mighty Revelation

When I entered the wonderful world of blogging, one of my goals was to "virtually" meet other Moms out there who were just like me or at least leading similar lives and hopefully develop friendships with a few.  I've read many blogs by many amazing women over the past three months.  Each time I am overwhelmed by the amount of love and support these women provide for each other, via positive comments, recommended follow-up sites and offered prayers. Whether the topic is dealing with the severe illness of a child, a change in economic status, the death of a child or parent, the choice whether to get a new pet, or something as simple as a story about the cute/crazy thing their child did that day, the support has ALWAYS been positive. 

Yesterday was one of those "meh" kind of days for me.  Oh so many things were rubbing me the wrong way and the least little thing set me off into a tizzy or a fit of tears.  "Well", I decided, "I might as well check my e-mail and see if I've got any good blogs waiting for me".  Luckily I did. 

I was very pleased to see that one of my favorite bloggers, Scary Mommy, had uploaded a new post.  I loved the post (as usual)  and actually could relate, as Big E. and I are debating whether or not to get a dog for our family of four (a huge life changing decision).  I read  the post and ALL of the comments that followed.  All but one comment was supportive.  In fact, it was down right mean! Really? REALLY? Ugh! Talk about kicking someone when they were down!

As you might have guessed, that one nasty comment did NOT sit well with me.  Already in a bitchy mood, I wanted to reach through the computer and smack this one person upside the head!  REALLY? I mean, REALLY???  If only there were an interactive slap buttons on  our computers! 

But then it happened...  I personally witnessed the true, loving and supportive sisterhood of bloggers in full force!  While very few acknowledged the hatefulness and defended Jill and her painful choice (which I commend), the rest ignored it and gave the evilness no credit. They just continued on with their love and support for Jill.  Heartwarming is the best way to describe how I felt at that moment; it literally had me in tears.  Right then and there my mighty revelation was revealed. 

While there can be detractors, this here Blogosphere is a pretty good place to hang out.  So I think I will just have to maintain my little piece of the real estate here and enjoy the company of the great gals out there who really know what is important... the sisterhood!

P.S. Thanks to Jill, we've decided to get an rescue dog.  But, after reading her posts, we're skipping the puppy phase.  Thanks again Jill for putting yourself out there. You and your writings about Lucky are definitely appreciated.  Rock on Scary Mommy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

That Time of Month

Well, it was bound to happen yet again.  I should have known it was coming, but I just lost track of time.  How could I not be ready for what was to come? 

It's that one week out of the month that all women dread. The week from  hell where we get nothing accomplished.  That week when every sound uttered from your child's mouth is like fingernails being raked down the surface of a blackboard. That one week when you feel completely out of  sync with the entire world.  It's knowing that no matter how hard you try, everything will just go wrong.

I can usually tell it's coming because it's usually the week that Buddy gets banned from electronic equipment and Tinklemeister damages something expensive in the house or flushes something he shouldn't down the loo. But this month I was totally blindsided even though Buddy DID get  banned from electronic equipment.  

How can that be? How did I not know? Why was I not prepared?  What is happening to me? 
Maybe next month I'll have it all together to realize when it's the... 


What did you think I was talking about?? 
In case you're wondering when the next full moon will be, just visit

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Woman Who Inspires Me the Most

Today's writing prompt for the Back to Blogging Challenge is to "Write a new post about a woman who inspires you."  With so many great and inspiring women out there one would think it would be a hard thought choice.  My choice is so obvious to those who know me!  The woman who inspires me the most is my Mom!  And how appropriate that today's assignment coincides with her birthday.

Sixty-eight years ago this very day, in Elmira, New York, Fred and Eva Schaeffer welcomed Carlene Margaret into the world.  That's Carlene, on the far left all swaddled up in layers of blanketing, being fawned over by her Mother, Eva, and oldest sister, Viola.  I've been told she was quite the cutie back in her day!  Who knew back then that the very best thing that ever happened to me got her start?

Carlene grew up the fourth eldest of  a lower-middle class family of eight children. A product of Eva's marriage to Fred, she is their first child together. Throughout her childhood she was no stranger to moving from home to home, most located in either a borough of New York City or in Philadelphia. You see, Carlene's mother had a dose of gypsy blood in her.  When life became routine, Eva  would "pack her grip" and off they'd go to a new home, always bouncing between New York and Pennsylvania.

At one point in the early 1960's, Eva and Fred settled in Philadelphia long enough for Carlene to meet Philip, fall in love and eventually get married. And that's where I come in... I have the privilege and honor to be Carlene's daughter - the luckiest girl who ever walked the face of the Earth!!

So, you'd think that this is reason enough to be inspired by my Mom. But that's just a hair of a fraction of a reason...

In September 1996, with Mom's help, I finally moved out on my own. Mom was there every step of the way encouraging me.  When, a year later, I started an online relationship with my now-husband, Mom was the only person who had faith that this leap of a lifetime was a good one.  She 100% backed my big move from Philadelphia to Michigan in November of 1998.  She was my "Rock" when my lovely daughter was born and died way too soon.  She was at the hospital when Buddy, my first son, was born and again when Tinklemeister, our youngest son, was born.  She again was my strength when both boys we diagnosed with pneumo-thorax shortly after birth. She stood by my side so many times, never faltering, never wavering in her love for me or for my children.

Her love and strength didn't falter even when, in March of 2009, while on a visit from Philadelphia to our home in Michigan for Buddy's fifth birthday, my Mom started having difficulty swallowing rice.  Anytime we ha rice, no matter how hard she tried,  she just could NOT swallow the rice.  Deep in the darkest pit of my stomach I knew that wasn't a good thing.  But Mom pushed on, promising that she would talk to the doctor when she returned to Philadelphia.  Well, since she and Dad didn't eat rice, the problem got forgotten about... Until June 2009, that is.

On OUR visit to Philadelphia for Tinklemeister's third birthday, we noticed that Mom was having more and more problems swallowing. We stayed in Philly for a week.  It was already planned that Mom would take the ride back to Michigan with us, which she did.  Things only got worse. If it wasn't smooth, it wouldn't go down.  We called her doctor from our house and scheduled an appointment for the day after she returned home.  At 66 years old, Mom was diagnosed with gastro-esophageal cancer.

The journey through darkness for our family had just begun.  And so did  the reason that I am MOST inspired by my Mother.   Shortly after diagnosis, Mom began chemo and radiation treatments that ripped her body apart, robbed her of her strength and her independence.  She built up enough strength that in late January of this year, Mom underwent an insanely long and arduous surgery to remove her esophagus and a large part of her stomach, immediately followed by reconstructive surgery.  Once Mom regained her physical strength, she began the next round of chemotherapy.  And this time, she got really sick and chose to end chemotherapy.

In the year that this disease changed our family, one thing never changed... Mom's faith in God and her devotion to Dad, my children and me ever wavered.  If anything  her love, faith and devotion have increased.  Mom has shown me what it is to be a great mom, a faithful child of God and loyal friend to those I meet.  She is full of life and the desire to live it to the fullest.  She could have easily given up and let the cancer overtake her.  She chose to fight a valiant fight and has come out the victor.  She is my hero, my inspiration and the one person I can count on to always love me unconditionally.  She's the best gift I've ever received in my life.  Without her I wouldn't be the Mom I am today.  Through her love for me I have learned to love my children as they are and only dream for the best for them.  She is today, always has been and will always be my rock. She's the foundation of who I am and who I strive to be. Without her in my life, I would have been nothing.

Mother Goose had it all wrong for Wednesday's child when  she wrote:
Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
Mother Goose must have been talking about anyone BUT my mother! She's a Wednesday's Child who is never full of woe. She is an amazing woman, a phenomenal woman, a strong woman, a loving woman, a  genuinely devoted child of God. She is an always faithful and extremely devoted wife, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. But best of all of her life titles is that of MOM! Why you may ask? Cause she's MINE!

Thanks for being one of the best parts of my life!

And now for the business part:  This post has been recreated and inspired by the SITS Girls BACK TO BLOGGING EVENT.  Interested in more information about this challenge?? Check them out at Back2Blogging.  Who knows  where  it just might lead you!

This blogging  challenge event is sponsored by Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath and Florida Builder Appliances.  Be sure to check them  out. Maybe with their help and that of the SITS Girls, Thelma & Louise can come live at your house! (Although I REALLY want them to come and live with me!)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back to Blogging Challenge - Day 3 - The Post I'm Proud Of

Well,  here we are again, day number three of the Back to Blogging Challenge. Today's assignment, which I chose to accept, is to re-post a blog that I am most proud.

Since I've only been blogging for a few short months, I don't have many posts to choose from for the first three topics of the challenge.  The following blog was written over the course of entire day and was edited over two additional days before I finally uploaded it to my blog. Three long and very tedious days which I basically ignored my two boys and just typed, deleted what I typed and typed some more.  It's the blog that took the longest to write out of fear of commitment... PUBLIC commitment to write a children's book!

I Wanna Write a Children's Book... I Must be Certifiable!

Several month's ago, Kelly DiPucchio came to my son's school to speak about what it's like to write children's books. Holy cow! I didn't know when I volunteered to help with getting the students shuttled in and out of the Media Center that, by the end of the morning, I'd have the writing bug. It didn't jump out at me right away. It sat, festering inside of me. Lingering, just waiting for the right moment to start screaming like a banshee "Let me out! Let me out! And let me start writing!"

About a month ago, it hit me like a tons of bricks. I want, no, I NEED, to write a book. So like any good and semi-intelligent person would do I googled "Writing Children's Books" and came back with so much information my head was spinning. Was I crazy? What was I thinking? I can't do this. My work isn't any good. I can't limit my book to 1,000 to 1,500 words. I'll never be a writer! Hogwash!

Later that evening while chatting with the hubby, I asked him what he thought if I told him I wanted to write a children's book. His reply was less than stellar. In fact, he looked at me like I was, in fact, certifiable! *Poof!* Went the dream. Or so I thought!

The next morning, I sat down and wrote 676 words of my story. I am so proud of my accomplishment so far. The book sits unfinished to date due to having a life outside of my computer. But I've already asked my cousin's daughter (who I've never met but have seen her amazing work) to be my illustrator. She is an uber-gifted artist! Now I have even more reason to finish the book since now the world knows I'm writing it!

Do I know if it will ever be published? No. Do I hope it will be? Yes indeed! It's my dream, my heart's passion. And I'm running with it! Let's hope I don't trip along the way and fall flat on my face!! 

And now for the business part:  This post has been recreated and inspired by the SITS Girls BACK TO BLOGGING EVENT.  Interested in more information about this challenge?? Check them out at Back2Blogging.  Who knows  where  it just might lead you!

This blogging  challenge event is sponsored by Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath and Florida Builder Appliances.  Be sure to check them  out. Maybe with their help and that of the SITS Girls, Thelma & Louise can come live at your house! (Although I REALLY want them to come and live with me!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to Blogging Challenge -Day 2 - A Post I Wish More People Had Read

Hallelujah!!  If this blog prompt were a high school class I'd have an easy A for sure! When I read  the prompt for day 2 of the Back to Blogging Challenge, to re-upload a post  that I wished more people had read, I knew immediately which one it  would be. The title came from a Writer's Workshop from Mama Kat - "The Most Unbelievable Blue Eyes I've Ever Seen" from way back on August 11th of this year.  Only in my world, the title changed just a wee bit.  My title? "The Most Unbelievable Blue Eyes I've Ever Never Seen".

The reason I wish more people had read it was a very simple one. I wanted people to understand that just shy of nine years ago, a beautiful little girl entered this world and caused some mighty profound changes in my life.  I wrote the blog to tell the world she was here, if only for nine and one-half hours (on her Daddy's birthday to boot).  "Dammit! She was here, she was alive, and she was, and still is, tremendously loved!"  

Even though almost nine years has passed, I love little Miss Samantha Marie more today than I did that day and that she is forever etched in my heart... especially those blazing blue eyes I've never seen.

The Most Unbelievable Blue Eyes I’ve (Ever) Never Seen

That’s right, you read the title correctly, it does say NEVER. Those eyes, you see, belong to the most precious being I’ve ever had the privilege to be a part of… my precious princess, Samantha Marie.

My princess was born way too early on a dreary morning in mid-November of 2001. Twenty-four and a half weeks into my pregnancy, “slim chances of survival” were the doctor’s words to my husband and I. But the little princess beat the odds, well sort of. She patiently waited 4 full days water my water broke before deciding it was time to meet her Mama face-to-face.

What a scary day! One minute going for an amnio, the next minute being prepped for a c–section delivery. The dreams I dreamed of for my child were all coming to a potential end. Born at 10:36 AM and weighing a mere 1 and ½ pounds, my precious auburn haired little girl came into the world.

Being SO tiny and SO premature, Samantha never truly opened her eyes… but I know they were a blazing blue! Mama and Daddy both have deep blue eyes and for those that know your basic science that only means one thing, Baby Girl definitely was going to have blue eyes, just like her brothers to come after her.

That evening when I got to hold her tiny frame in my arms, all I could do was stare at her eyes. And somehow I knew she could see me, only something another mother in my position could understand.

It’s been 8 and ½ long years since that day, but when I close my eyes I can still see her blazing baby blues!

And now for the business part:  This post has been recreated and inspired by the SITS Girls BACK TO BLOGGING EVENT.  Interested in more information about this challenge?? Check them out at Back2Blogging.  Who knows  where  it just might lead you!

This blogging  challenge event is sponsored by Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath and Florida Builder Appliances.  Be sure to check them  out. Maybe with their help and that of the SITS Girls, Thelma & Louise can come live at your house! (Although I REALLY want them to come and live with me!)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ode to My First Blog Post

I opened my email this morning with fear
That tons of messages were waiting for me here.
What to my hazy, sick and tired eyes did appear? 
MY first blog challenge of the year!

I shouted with glee and I jumped for joy!
I wondered how much people wanted to hear about my life and my boys.
I accepted the challenge feeling all coy...
And began treating my blog like it was a brand new toy!

So here's my first blog...
It lay flat like a log
But hopefully in time
It'll be like well-oiled cog...


Well, I did it! I broke down and decided to start a blog. So where do I go from here? I promise to do my best to keep you all entertained as much as possible, but no promises.


Well,  I did it! I broke down and decided to start a blog.  A place where I can open my heart and share with the world my hopes, dreams, fears, longings and desires.  

The best I can do is tell you I'll be straight shooting and telling you things as I see them. I'll share my views on the world, on motherhood, on dealing with life as it's dealt to you. So where do I go from here? I promise to do my best to keep you all entertained as much as possible, but no promises.  

Won't you join me on this great roller coaster ride?  

And now for the business part:  This post has been added to and inspired by the SITS Girls BACK TO BLOGGING EVENT.  Interested in more information about this challenge?? Check them out at Back2Blogging.  Who knows  where  it just might lead you!

This blogging  challenge event is sponsored by
Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath and Florida Builder Appliances.  Be sure to check them  out. Maybe with t heir help and that of the SITS Girls, Thelma & Lousie can come live at your house! (Although I REALLY want them to come and live with me!)

Peace, love and turtles,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

And I'll keep on walkin' ...

     Bruce Springsteen never put into words more eloquently how I feel tonight than when he wrote one of his best songs ever on his 1987 release Tunnel of Love. "Walk Like A Man" holds so incredibly much meaning for me at this moment tonight, particularly the following line:
"Well now the years have gone and I've grown from that seed you've sown
But I didn't think there'd be so many steps I'd have to learn on my own"
     Tonight my six year old seed went off on his fist official sleep over at his best friend's house.  I dropped Buddy off at 6:00PM, and I'll be picking him up at 2:15PM tomorrow.   Twenty of the longest hours of my life have commenced.  It's going to be odd just tucking in one child tonight, kissing only one child goodnight and being awakened in the morning by just one little munchkin climbing in our bed to "cock-a-doodle-doo" husband & me bright and early tomorrow morning.  Odd how you never notice (or appreciate) the little things in your life's routine until something changes.

     We work SO hard to teach them the "do's" and the "don'ts" then hope and pray that they get it all right.  We want to give them the skills they need to stand on their own two feet, no matter how little those feet are, to learn to be independent people.  But when the time comes to let them test their wings, and taste a bit of freedom, we automatically want to hold back and squeeze them tight, never letting go.  Somehow, from somewhere deep inside of me, I mustered the strength to give him a quick kiss and a hug and let him go off to enjoy his new experience.

     Well, Buddy, Mama is very proud of you and loves that you're growing up to be a great kid.  But could you just do it a little slower? Mama can't handle the heartbreak!